If you know us, or have kept up with my blog, you know that we are expecting baby #3 in July. Monday of this week, we had our anatomy scan of our sweet baby and found out that she is practically perfect in every way. Also, she is a she! We decided not to take the kids to the ultrasound because since my doctor has moved offices and his new place is much smaller, I didn't want to ask the kids to be confined and behave well for up to an hour. They stayed with my parents and when we returned, I had a super fun way to reveal the gender to them- and my parents!
The Gender Reveal Volcano
Earlier in the day, I purchased this glass vase from a thrift store for 70 cents. I wrapped the top few inches in masking tape and sprayed the bottle with three coats of black spray paint. Before I left my parent's house, I put about 1/3 cup of baking soda in in the bottom of the vase. I left it in my parent's kitchen along with vinegar and red and blue food coloring.
Then off we went to the ultrasound!
When I returned, the kids were so excited to see what color the volcano would erupt. In the kitchen (while they were out of the room) I added five drops of red food coloring to the baking soda in the vase, and then carried it out to the living room.
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"What color will it erupt, Mommy!?" |
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"Shhh! Lets be quiet!" |
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"It erupted PINK! It's a GIRL!!!" |
Even though Sugar Bear had high hopes for a boy, because he found out via volcano, he wasn't upset at all!
We have a lovely, roomy four bedroom home. As most of you know, our fourth bedroom is our treasured school room. With the news of this baby, many friends asked, "What's going to happen to the school room!?" Well, for the time being, the school room will stay just as it is. The new baby will co-sleep with us until that no longer works. Rainbow Girl wanted out of our bed at the weeeeee age of three months. She just slept so much better on her own, and was quite content with doing so. Sugar Bear on the other hand would still prefer to co-sleep, but has been regularly in his own bed since eighteen months of age.
The baby will have a cradle in our room, and a crib in the room that she will share with Rainbow Girl. Knowing that Rainbow Girl would eventually be sharing her room, the only logical next move was to give her the bigger of the two children's rooms- the one that was currently inhabited by Sugar Bear. We also decided that Sugar Bear would use Rainbow Girl's full bed, and she would go back to the twin bed, since eventually we will get the girls bunk beds.
There was a bit of heart break from both children about the fact that they were both giving up things in the room switch. A lot of this was mended when I allowed them to pick out a few new things for their rooms at Target. Rainbow Girl got a fancy new lamp that is definitely all her: pink and white with jewels. Sugar Bear needed to get new sheets since all we had for the full bed was sheets fit for a princess. He chose dinosaur sheets, a red super snuggly blanket and a "ROAR!" pillow for his bed. He also picked out a dino lamp and dino bank to go on his "new" bookshelf (a shelf we were no longer using in our bedroom).
The majority of this week was spent going through both of their rooms, purging all the toys and things that were no longer used or needed and switching some of the furniture. I got rid of bags and bags and bags of trash, toys, and clothes.
The kids watched a lot of tv this week, but we also played outside when we could. We had some unseasonably warm days where the kids marveled at the piles of snow remaining while they were comfortable without coats.
Sugar Bear went on a tool shopping trip with Daddy and got a pretty cool tool to add to his toy box.
And the kids worked together to deliver Girl Scout cookies to all of the neighbors who ordered from us.
Finally, by the end of the week, I was satisfied with the organization solutions that I had come up with for both of them and was ready to take pictures. :)
We still need to finish taking down the wall decor and curtains- and we also plan on painting.
The big stack of totes and baskets by Rainbow Girl's vanity are clothes and cloth diapers for the baby.
The kids both have under the bed storage bins now too. Sugar Bear has only one, with all of his toys. Rainbow Girl has three: one with doll clothes, one with her toys, and one with dress up clothes.
I am quite excited about the progress and how organized everything is.
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Here is my progress on my seasonal wheel. :) |
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