This week we started off with a trip to The State Fair. We go every year and were especially thankful to go this year as plans were not official as to whether or not the fair would actually happen this year until recently do to bankruptcy. Thankfully, it was purchased and they were able to get most of the same vendors and exhibitors that they usually have. The kids had a great time visiting with the animals and Rainbow Girl rode almost all the children's rides twice. Sugar Bear especially enjoyed sitting on all the tractors- and climbing up on the giant ones all by himself.
"Mom!! They have a reading area!!!" |
Feeling the cotton. |
Smelling the herbs. |
Rainbow Girl was selected to be video taped. :) |
As our day at the fair (6 hours!) began to go long, we noticed both kids becoming sniffly, and Sugar Bear feeling slightly warm. I nursed the wee boy to sleep while Rainbow Girl continued to push through her sniffles.
Flying! |
For those who do not know, Rainbow Girl is obsessed with pigs. She has at least one hundred pig toys an animals. It's unstoppable. When we draw, she draws pigs. When we play playdoh, she makes pigs- and occasionally a race track to hold playdoh pig races. We even sing the "DU dun du du dun du du dun dun dun dun dun....aaaaaand they're off!" while doing playdoh races. Needles to say, when we go to the Fair, she very much looks forward to the pig races.
This year, the races were presented by a company we had never seen before, which was disappointing to me since we see the same
wonderful company every year. Rosaire's Royal Racers (the wonderful company) had a statement on Facebook. "We wish we could have been there. It was the fair's decision to not being us back. Let them know how you feel. Thank you for the comment." Here is an email address to voice your opinion on bringing back Rosaire's to the Virginia State Fair,
It was not a bad race, but they did not have any of the pot bellied pigs, and I very much missed seeing Tyrone the Terrible. Rainbow Girl had a great time none the less. She was selected as an official "Pig Rooter" and.......her pig won the race!
"Who won? Did my pig win?" |
She was so excited, and so brave going up by herself to talk to the race announcer over the PA system. |
Her prize was a ticket to see this monster of a pig. Seven feet long and 1200lbs. When we walked in, he was showing us his backside. It was not pretty. |
Tigers! |
Sure enough, the kids came down with colds. Sugar Bear had a low fever for 24 hours, and both were sniffly and sleepy for a couple days. We took it very easy this week, watching a lot of TV and drinking fresh elderberry syrup, made especially for us
and delivered by a great friend. (On
her birthday! Thank you Nicole!) I think the syrup helped because the children were feeling better soon, and Rainbow Girl was well enough to attend her first Girl Scout Meeting with a new troop on Thursday. The first troop we tried did not feel right for us, this one seems like a perfect fit. I am so glad we made it to the meeting.
Friday Morning, Rainbow Girl had her Spanish and Art classes and gladly had a long nap afterwards. After she woke up, we began packing for the kid's first camping trip! Rainbow Girl loves helping to pack for trips. The camping trip was a get together of many of our wonderful friends to celebrate a cutie pie's 2nd birthday. We played on the campground's playground and partied for about four hours, tuckering the kids out well before heading to our campsites.
Toddler tent shenanigans. |
Smores Time! |
Story telling |
The kids (and there was A LOT of kids!) ALL did wonderful around the fire and in the dark! We put glow stick necklaces and bracelets on the mobile kids and we kept great track of them that way.
My babies, one of whom is a notoriously bad sleeper, slept great in the tent- even with it raining all morning. We got dressed, put on our rain gear and went outside to have breakfast and break down the tent.
We made it home where we all took warm baths and all had a nap. After we woke up, we attended a play called "The Real Story Of Pocahontas" at our local theatre.
You all may notice that my husband rarely attends events or outings with us and that my mom is usually with us on our adventures. My husband works six days a week to provide for us and to let us lead the wonderful life that we do. Thanks to a wonderful recent job change, he is home almost every night in time for dinner with us. My mom also works full time, but has three days a week off, a lot of which she spends with us. She is the best Grandma ever and we are so lucky to have her company and help so often.
Wow! What a busy week! Looks like a lot of fun. Glad you are enjoying the new troop and that you are feeling like we are a good fit for you.